School librarians are the best! They are planners, coordinators, requisitionists, organizers, PR experts, educators, and literacy promoters, just to name a few of their duties. I’ve been honored that so many school librarians have invited me to their schools to speak to the students.
Yesterday, I visited a school new to me. It was my first visit to Harrisburg Elementary, and the first time I’d met school librarian Belinda Self. Because of her gracious invitation, I had a chance to talk to all third and fourth grade students about the importance of literacy, and, of course, about The Legend of Sassafras House.
Madi was SO excited to meet you yesterday! Thank you so much for visiting our school! She will be talking about it for days!!
Courtney Brazile (Madisyn, in the very first picture, is my daughter)
Thank you, Courtney! It was a pleasure visiting Harrisburg. The students made it a great day. I was excited to meet Madi!