Today is the last day of January. It’s been a long month. Thirty-one days. Six other months of the year have thirty-one days, but only January drags out so long. It could be the freezing temperatures. It could be the biting wind. It could be the absence of sunlight. Whatever the reason, January is longer than any other month. I’m always glad to turn the calendar page and see February ushering in chocolates and roses and love.
One item on my agenda today was to return some clothing items that didn’t fit. I had slacks and a dress for one store and jeans for another. I didn’t want to do this chore because my receipts were missing. Losing stuff like receipts is not my custom. I felt bad to ask for a refund without one. But I did it, and I was amazed at the smoothness of the transaction. It was customer service, indeed.
Of course, I turned around and spent my refund. I needed the purse and the sweaters. I tend to freeze year-round, so the sweaters will help keep the chill away. The purse is a beautiful shade of green that has already made me forget January.
All in all, the last day of January was a good day. The people I encountered were pleasant. I finished everything on my checklist. Even the sun was shining. My least favorite month wrapped up on a positive note. What made today better than the thirty dreary days preceding? It had to be the holy mustard. I’ll have to remember it for next January.
It has been a long cold month! Glad yours need well!
Nice column. Like your closing.