Like most writers, I’ve loved to write since I was a child. When I took a creative writing class in high school, I had an outlet for the ideas crammed in my head. Then as an undergrad, a writing instructor asked if I had “considered writing as a career”. I had, but only in my dreams.
In reality I became a public school teacher. My career was satisfying and even involved an element of writing. I was assigned the duty of writing the school newsletter in a couple of my workplaces. This was not the kind of writing I had aspired to do.
The words of my writing teacher continued to echo in my ears throughout the years. Now I’m at a place in life where I can take his advice. At last, my writing has become more than a dream.
Beginning a career in writing has its discouraging and intimidating moments, but there are exhilarating ones, as well. I’ve had some important connections to help me get started.
SCBWI is a group dedicated to providing support and information to writers and illustrators. The Arkansas chapter provides conferences that are beneficial to both the new and the seasoned writer. This is a great place to meet other writers. Trainings make these conferences well worth attending, not to mention the added bonus of being able to meet with agents and editors.
Belonging to a group similar to this one is essential for a writer. Numerous associations exist for writers of every genre. Individual connections with other writers are an important part of the profession. I’ve read, read, and read some more. I’ve enjoyed attending book signings and meeting other authors whenever possible. I treasure the friendships I have made with writers and editors, and I look forward to adding more. Have we connected yet? Let me know if you have an author website or if you are on Twitter or Facebook.
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When I first started writing, I had no idea what to do or who to turn to, but I've connected and made friends with so many indie authors through my blog, Anita. It's good to have someone you can 'go to' with all the questions.
I took some online writing and publishing classes so I could at least feel my way in the dark. I've found writing to be the easy part. Plenty of challenges come afterward.
I always knew writing came easy to me and even worked as a writer/editor at Leisure Arts for a season, but it was only after I retired that I started to think about it seriously.
Isn't it fun "finding" ourselves in retirement:)