Summer vacation from school is winding down quicker than most children want to admit. My grandson has spent much of his summer at my house, helping out with the gardening and other chores, while still finding time for swimming and golf most days. He’s always willing to help out in the kitchen, and he has been interested in finding a good recipe for a milkshake. We tested some different versions, but this simple one is his favorite.
2 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a blender, combine ice cream, milk, and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve. Makes 2 servings.
kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen says
If it's kid approved it must be good!! What a sweet helper you've had this summer, Anita.
Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes says
Looks good to me but I might want a little chocolate thrown in since I am a chocolate addict. Landon is a cutie! ——— Shannon
Little Mommy Kim says
Dellene says
Yum I haven't made milk shakes in a long while….good memories 🙂
Gypsy Heart says
Cute, cute guy! The milk shake sounds good to me right now.